
Chaussée de Bruxelles 340,
1410 Waterloo


Lun – Mar -Jeu : 09:00 – 19:00
Mer – Vend : 09:00 – 18:30
Samedi : 09:00 – 18:00


EMS New Shape is the brand new technology to redefine the contours of the silhouette.

Muscle building is accompanied by fat cell loss.

Results that make EMS technology the gold standard in electrostimulation in aesthetics for non-surgical body contouring treatments.

Non-invasive care technology,
WITHOUT pain, WITHOUT effort and WITHOUT dieting.


The muscle stimulation process of EMS makes it possible to perform the equivalent of 20,000 contractions in 30 minutes. A non-invasive process that focuses on muscles but also acts on fat.

The process of continuous expansion and contraction under the effect of electrical impulses from an electrostimulation device makes it possible to strengthen the internal structure of the muscles in depth, by increasing the density of their fibers and their thickness.

Focus on myofibrils

In detail, muscle electrostimulation promotes the growth of myofibrils, thus causing muscle hypertrophy (increase in volume) which leads to the production of new protein chains and new muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia).

Zoom on Expansion / contraction

The combined result of hypertrophy and hyperplasia will lead to a strengthening of the muscle fibers and ensure the modeling of the muscles concerned and the remodeling of the silhouette. The body is thus firmed up, shaped and less receptive to adipocyte uptake.

Focus on volume loss

As a result of intense muscular activity, a large quantity of triglycerides are transformed into free fatty acids, and thus "consumed" by the body during and after exercise. Adipocyte loss is visible but it is not the primary objective of remodeling treatments using electrostimulation.

The process

Make yourself comfortable in our reception lounge, your session with our practitioner will soon begin!

With your treatment, the practitioner will give you an outfit to put on before taking your place on the massage table.


Lie down comfortably, the practitioner will apply 1 to 4 applicators depending on the need for the treatment and enjoy a completely painless 30-minute session. Once the session is over, we suggest that you take a few minutes to relax in our soft cloud room, help yourself to a glass of water infused with fresh fruit.

Result and tips

The treatment is painless, but depending on the intensity, tingling may be felt.

The recommended number of sessions per targeted area is 10 to 12 sessions. The first results are visible quickly, the main results will appear after 4 to 6 weeks.

Allowing to treat the gluteal muscles and the abdominals but also the arms, the calves and the thighs.

Protocols & Tips

Each session must be spaced at least 3 days apart. It is recommended to carry out 1 to 2 maintenance cures per year.

Tips after a session:

- Apply a firming, anti-cellulite cream to the treated area
- Information on diet and hydration as well as sports activity.
- Choose food rich in vegetables and proteins.
- Do not drink more than 2 coffees a day (coffee increases estrogen which leads to an increase in calorie storage.
- Avoid fruit juices and sugary drinks.
- Drink 2 liters of water a day.
- For less athletic people, twice a week, take a long walk (ideally 2 hours).
- Following the advice of a dietician is ideal.
- Between sessions it is strongly advised to follow a lymphatic drainage treatment, slimming massage, cocoon treatment, infra red, Cryo...